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<p><strong><a href=”” title=”Free Bible studies, plus articles on Bible topics and the history and meaning of favourite hymns. Ask a question about the Bible or about a hymn, and we will do our best to provide an answer.” target=”_blank”>Wordwise Bible Studies</a></strong> offers a clear, conservative understanding of the Bible, relating it to many practical subjects. The Scriptures are treated as the trustworthy Word of God. The site also provides free Bible studies and helpful background on the hymns we sing.</p>

The following is what you should see on your website…

Wordwise Bible Studies offers a clear, conservative understanding of the Bible, relating it to many practical subjects. The Scriptures are treated as the trustworthy Word of God. The site also provides free Bible studies and helpful background on the hymns we sing.

Thanks so much for doing that! God bless.


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You are welcome to make use of the material on this site. But I’m sure you will understand that providing this free service requires many hours of work, and the website is costly to maintain.

Any who can assist us with donations would be much appreciated. If you would like to help, simply click on the PayPal button and it will take you to a secure site were you can make a contribution of any amount you choose.

Thank you again, and may the Lord bless you.