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  1. Iggy Antiochus
    14 May 2010 @ 4:18 pm

    Liturgical traditions celebrate Ascension in real time, on the 40th day after the resurrection (Happy Ascension! Yesterday was the 40th day). One of the suggested hymns is Look Ye Saints. Perhaps it has to do with Ascension’s other title, “Coronation Day” where Christ assumes His place and rules at the Father’s right hand.

    It is also sung to Bryn Calfaria. You have to add in an extra set of “Crown Him’s to make it work.

    • rcottrill
      16 May 2010 @ 7:36 am

      I have often felt that we in non-liturgical churches are missing something by not making more of the ascension. It relates to the ongoing ministry of Christ at the Father’s right hand as our great High Priest, and that is of daily significance to believers.

  2. Iggy Antiochus
    16 May 2010 @ 9:28 pm

    It has a waning presence in liturgical churches. Some transfer it to the next Sunday, many just ignore it. I personally think we need to make a big deal of it again!