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  1. Bernice
    24 February 2018 @ 6:17 pm

    Instead of eradication of the sin nature, I think in terms of it more in being made inoperative by what Christ did on the cross? I think of Paul saying in Romans, “Reckon yourself dead.” There is a yielding to the new work that
    has begun in us with the help of the Holy Spirit that Romans speaks about, and it is progressive growth. I think that is what she means by to rise. I agree that we don’t reach perfection on earth. I think she may be also speaking of position and condition.

    I found the hymn biblical, with this understanding.

    • rcottrill
      24 February 2018 @ 11:15 pm

      H-m-m… Well, good try. But “polluted nature dies!” is pretty strong, and that is the Arminean view, at least of some. It’s more than a positional truth to them. I think you move closer to the biblical position of progressive sanctification in what you describe, rather than what is termed “crisis sanctification” in the holiness camp.