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  1. Lilly Benefield
    16 August 2011 @ 12:38 pm

    Mr. Cottrill, today is my oldest son’s birthday I believe that I was blessed twice today, by his birth and by coming to your website. The Bible Study that is offered for free is how I found you, my husband and I have a Bible Study in our home on Thursdays’ but I had seen the tag about Hymns. I just thought what could I possibly get from old hymns that I won’t be able to understand since they were possibly written in the Old English formatt as the King James Bible was. Well was I wrong I believe your site is a blessing to us who are hungry for the Word of God and eager to learn all we can, Thank You. There is a young man 13 years old and he asked at our Bible Study a question, If believers were saved by their sacrifices in the Old Testament? and that is how I found you. That is why I believe that no matter how old we are the younger generation can help us grow and learn by their inquisitiveness and desire to learn the Word of God.
    May God’s Peace and Joy be with you always,


    • rcottrill
      16 August 2011 @ 1:30 pm

      What a kind and gracious note! Thank you so much. It is comments such as yours that keep me going with this work. For forty years I taught God’s Word both as a pastor, and as a college professor. Now, although I’m currently preaching pretty much every Sunday, most of my ministry comes through writing–books, a weekly newspaper column, the Bible study website and the blog on hymns.

      You are right that some of our oldest hymns contain words that are no longer common. But usually a bit of explanation is all that’s needed for folks to benefit from them. I’m convinced that our hymns are so rich in devotion and doctrinal depth that we need to keep using them. People from 190 countries who’ve visited my blog seem to agree!

      God bless you and your husband–and your son too (Great question!). If I can be of further help on something you’re puzzling over, just let me know and I’ll give it a try.