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  1. Carol Blair
    22 June 2011 @ 8:44 am

    “Praise Ye the Lord . . . ” has long been one of my favorite hymns — because of its strong Scriptural foundations, its soul-stirring music, and the high quality of the poetry. The rhyme pattern is “A, A, B, B, A,” where in the “A” lines, the last TWO syllables rhyme — no easy linguistic accomplishment in any language, but especially where the text has been translated from the original language to another.

    These “old hymns” are truly incomparable, and I grieve that they are/have been lost to the Church today.

    • rcottrill
      22 June 2011 @ 9:54 am

      I certainly agree with your love for Neader’s hymn, and others of such high quality. However, as regards your last point, I hesitate to generalize. There are still churches where the hymn book is used regularly, and the great hymns of the faith are sung. Also, let’s pray that you and I, and the many others who love our traditional hymnody, will continue to promote them, and encourage their use. When I preach in various churches, I request hymns that relate to my message. It has a positive effect!