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  1. readywriterpublications
    1 August 2012 @ 5:02 am

    A beautiful thought that struck me like never before… “That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.” (Eph. 2v7)
    Thanks for the post.

  2. Carol Blair
    2 August 2012 @ 4:28 pm

    We sang this hymn last Sunday — requested by an 18-year-old young man. For a small church, we did very well on the parts.

    • rcottrill
      2 August 2012 @ 4:35 pm

      Yours is a well-tuned harp indeed. In our “small church” there often only three or four of us that can be heard at all. When I taught at a large Bible college, we had a Sunday morning congregation of about a thousand, with an full orchestra to accompany us. Quite a contrast! But I’m often reminded of my adapted version of First Samuel 16:7, “The Lord does not hear as man hears; for man listens to the outward sound, but the Lord listens to the heart.”