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  1. thesilverofhisfining
    14 March 2015 @ 6:50 pm

    I look forward to seeing my Savior face to face and really knowing Him.

    I had not heard this song before today, when I heard it on Family Radio. I looked it up on the internet, listened to a version of it by the Florida Boys, read the Cyberhymnal history of the author, and landed here.

    No theological depth (I agree) was what I needed today. My 94yo mother passed into Glory four days ago. This song was just what I needed to lift my spirits. Thanks for mentioning it here.

    My purpose on this earth is to bring glory and praise to God in heaven. Golden bells or no golden bells, I can’t wait to pass through those pearly gates!

    • rcottrill
      15 March 2015 @ 6:45 am

      Thanks for your kind note, and I’m glad the song was a blessing. When I’m critical of some songs as being doctrinally shallow, or overly repetitive, I’m not for a moment suggesting they can’t still be a blessing. They are to me. But I also think it’s important for God’s people to think about what they’re singing, and to appreciate the wonderful depth of truth in many of our hymns.

      We know there is “joy in the presence of the angels” when a sinner repents (Lk. 15:10). I suspect there is likewise a great celebration when one of God’s people is welcomed Home–as you say, “golden bells or no golden bells.” May the Lord comfort you in your loss. The saints of God never part forever. There’s a great reunion day up ahead!