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  1. Robert Woodman
    9 October 2018 @ 5:08 am

    This is an excellent hymn for contemplating one’s eternal destiny. The words and Thomas Tallis’ music make it most appropriate for Lent (and especially Holy Week), with which Addison undoubtedly would have been familiar since the Church of England follows nearly the same liturgical calendar as the Catholic Church.

    Hymnary’s timeline suggests that this hymn has had a recent resurgence in appearance in hymn books. Do you know in what hymn books it has appeared? I have never seen nor heard of this hymn until you wrote about it.

    • rcottrill
      9 October 2018 @ 7:22 am

      Good to hear from you. is often a help with this kind of question. Here you can find a list of 243 hymn books that contain the hymn. Thanks for the question, and God bless.

      • Robert Woodman
        10 October 2018 @ 5:11 am

        Thank you. That was helpful.