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  1. Carol Blair
    21 September 2017 @ 7:47 pm

    I grew up singing this hymn — at church — at Bible camp in the summer . . . but I haven’t sung it in a long time, because nobody knows it anymore.

    And an additional comment/question about the author: Did she not write words *and* music to *all* of her hymns?

    • rcottrill
      21 September 2017 @ 11:06 pm

      Hi Carol. Your first comment is one I’ve heard many times, and it always makes me sad. I’ve had the same thing happen when I’ve been called to preach somewhere, and asked for what I think is a hymn related to the message, only to have the response, “We don’t know that one.” Sometimes, I’ve volunteered to teach it, and have done so on occasion. As to your question, I certainly haven’t looked at all of Mrs. Morris’s songs, but for the ones I have she did write both words and music.