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  1. Jon Gleason
    9 August 2013 @ 4:14 am

    “And things of earth that cause the heart to tremble,
    Remembered there will only bring a smile.”

    That line has been a real blessing to more than one believer.

    Hamblen Music Company was very gracious to us when we wanted to include this song in a hymnal for our church and another mission work. It has very good memories to me for another reason — a friend’s grandmother (whom I met) knew Stuart Hamblen before his salvation.

    • rcottrill
      9 August 2013 @ 7:28 am

      Thanks Jon. Always interesting to hear of someone’s connection with hymns or their authors. God bless.

  2. Charles White
    22 February 2015 @ 6:08 am

    This is an excellent summary and reflection for devotion. This song has always been a wonderful encouragement! I am blessed by the history of the author’s life. I returned last night from the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte filled with appreciation for how God had used Dr. Graham. I was preparing to minister this morning following the special song “Until Then”. I was amazed to see Stuart Hamblen had been won to Christ by Billy Graham in that first crusade of 1949! God weaves the events of our lives so well. Thanks for providing the Scriptures and encouraging thoughts! Every soul needs these understandings!! We are surely on the threshold of eternity! God provided this song to help us carry on. Let’s go on singing…………

    • rcottrill
      22 February 2015 @ 8:23 am

      Thanks for your encouraging note. Always great to hear the material has been a blessing. Years ago, I heard Stuart Hamblen explain how he came to write his most familiar song, It Is No Secret. Do you know how it happened, and John Wayne’s part in it? You can read the story, and actually see Hamblen leading a crusade audience in singing it, here. God bless.