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  1. Donna
    9 October 2009 @ 8:18 pm

    Hi Robert:

    You visited my blog ( and my post “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” back on September 12th and left a message. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your kind comment.

    My husband and I have been busy for the past month or so, and I am just now getting back online. Sorry for the delay in responding to your comment.

    You have a very nice blog here. My husband and I love the old hymns very much, and I love learning about their history. Recently I discovered Google Books and have downloaded some old hymnals from the early 1800s from their free public domain section. Also some old sermons that were gathered into books from as long ago as the 1700s. You may be able to type in a hymn’s author and find more on that person through the Google Books site.

    When I think about all the people who have walked this earth since Adam and Eve, it just amazes me when I think on how God has known each and every one of us as individuals through the ages, our sorrows, trials and happiness. God is so awesome.

    Thank you for sharing your address for your blog. I will be returning often to read it often.

    • rcottrill
      10 October 2009 @ 6:01 am

      Thanks for your kind words, and for the heads-up on Google Books. I have many very old hymn books, but there are some songs that just appeared once, and are gone. It’s tricky to track them down. Perhaps the Google site will fill in some blanks. God bless.