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  1. Dorothy
    25 August 2009 @ 10:57 am

    This is a hymn I am unfamiliar with, Robert, but I appreciate the reminder it contains as well as your thoughts about passing on our blessings…most especially the blessings contained in the gospel. But even other blessings that God gives us. Sometimes I think we Christians feel some sort of guilt about praying that God would bless us and instead pray for the blessings of others. But if we are not experiencing His continual blessing, most especially intimate fellowship with our God, how can we possibly be a blessing to others?

    • rcottrill
      25 August 2009 @ 11:10 am

      Yes, I agree with you. But I think we make a mistake if we see God’s blessings as an end in themselves–that is, if our point in asking for them is that we might sit and soak and be comfortable until Christ returns. Rather, His blessings are a stewardship, an equipping, enabling us to have a further ministry for Him.

  2. Terry
    26 August 2009 @ 12:40 am

    dear mr. cottrill,
    i am so sorry that i didn’t reply to your kind comment on my blog.
    i just saw it now.
    i have changed my email address to gmail and so i don’t get the notifications of the comments.
    i will have to fix that in my blogger account settings.
    yes, i love that hymn, “majestic sweetness”.
    i tried to find it on you tube but i couldn’t so i just printed out the words.
    it is late here in ontario so i had better go to bed but i will return maybe tomorrow and read your blog.
    thanks for you visit…in christian love terry[teresa] shirkie.

    • rcottrill
      26 August 2009 @ 6:24 am

      I have my troubles too figuring out these new-fangled things called computers. No problem. Good to hear from you any time. And if you ever need the words or tune for a hymn, check the Cyber Hymnal. (You can click on it in my sidebar.) My friend Dick Adams has over 7,600 there, with pictures of the authors, and more. You can even click on the midi file and play the tune. God bless.

  3. Esther E. Haggstrom
    23 December 2009 @ 1:08 pm

    I thank you for visiting my blog. Music speaks to my heart and soul. When reading about “Is Your Life A Channel Of Blessing” it reminded me of two other hymns “Channels Only” and also “Nothing Between” we must be cleaned vessels to be channels.

    • rcottrill
      23 December 2009 @ 1:41 pm

      Thanks for your note. And you make a valid comparison to the other songs. The channel through which God’s love and grace ought to flow out of the believer’s life to others can be blocked by self and sin so easily.