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  1. Geoff Adair
    12 March 2010 @ 8:56 am

    Thank you for posting this article about the hymn “Work, for the night is coming”.
    I play in a pipe band in Northern Ireland, and this is one of the hymns we play in church parades. Its nice to have some background about the hymn, which I dont recall ever having heard sung in church over here, and especially the Bible references, to give to new band members so that they can better appreciate the tunes that we play.
    Thanks again,
    Geoff Adair

    • rcottrill
      12 March 2010 @ 9:31 am

      Thanks for your kind note Geoff. I’ve found over many years that folks sing (and play) our traditional hymns and gospel songs with more sincerity and enthusiam when they learn a bit about their background. (Hence this daily blog, my weekly newspaper column, my book on carols–plus another about to go to press, etc.)

  2. Isobel Platings
    3 October 2011 @ 10:29 am

    The tune the children sing so beautifully is similar to Martin Shaw’s tune ‘Gentle Jesus’ which was written for the hymn in 1915, and is the tune used in Songs of Praise.