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  1. Beulah Lott
    14 April 2010 @ 12:08 pm

    Do you know where I can get the words and music for N. B. Vandall’s “After”? I would love to have the song. It is important to my 88 year old mother. Thank you.

    • rcottrill
      14 April 2010 @ 12:35 pm

      Mr. Vandall’s beautiful song is found in a number of hymn books, including the Crowning Glory Hymnal, Living Hymns, and Great Hymns of the Faith. You can read the touching story behind it on my blog here (and see a couple of stanzas)–as well as getting a link to his other fine song, My Home, Sweet Home there.

  2. Frank
    23 January 2011 @ 4:31 pm

    Do you know where I can purchase a copy of the hymn, “After” by Vandall? If you could respond to me by e-mail that would be great.

    There is this wonderful book Amazing Grace by Kenneth W Osbeck and I have been working on trying to collect all 365 hymns but some are really impossible to get copies of (sheet music yes- but actual recordings no). Thanks for your web site and my the Lord bless you as I am sure he has and is and will.

    • rcottrill
      24 January 2011 @ 8:04 am

      N. B. Vandall’s lovely gospel song After is found in two hymn books that I often recommend: Great Hymns of the Faith, and Living Hymns. Because the copyright was renewed in 1962, Vandall’s song is harder to find. (For instance, it’s not among the over 8,000 hymns on the Cyber Hymnal.)

  3. Donna Chapman
    4 December 2011 @ 7:34 pm

    The song “AFTER” is on page 256 in the ALL-AMERICAN CHURCH HYMNAL, John T. Benson Publishing Co, 136 Fourth Avenue, North, Nashville, Tennessee. This is an older hymnal from the Libertyville Christian Church, Farmington, MO. My family had this song at my Dad’s funeral & my husband says he wants it at his funeral. It’s beautiful!

    • rcottrill
      4 December 2011 @ 11:25 pm

      Thanks for sharing. We sang another beautiful N. B. Vandall song this morning in the worship service. I preached on “Seven Questions About Heaven,” and we sang, My Home, Sweet Home. God bless.

  4. Lisa (Vandall) Lytle
    15 October 2013 @ 1:11 pm

    Thank you for posting this story about my Great-Grandfather, NB (Jack) Vandall. It is really neat to find people talking about his hymns on the internet.

    • rcottrill
      15 October 2013 @ 4:21 pm

      Great to hear from you. I’ve been blessed over the years by your great-grandfather’s songs. God bless.

  5. Steve Weber
    1 September 2014 @ 10:53 am

    Although these posts seem to be old, someone in my congregation asked me to look at this song called “After” by N.B. Vandall. He wanted to know what it sounded like, so I played it on the piano for him and he wants to sing it in our church which we will do sometime in the near future. I also took it upon myself to make to 2 versions of it and put them up on Youtube. I took the lyrics straight from the hymn itself, so the words will differ slightly in the 3rd verse than what is shown above. The 2 versions are here: and here:

    • rcottrill
      1 September 2014 @ 11:06 am

      H-m-m… Interesting. I don’t care for the waltz rhythm of the second version. To me, it makes the song rather trite and misses the agony behind the words. This is a song about the painful trials of the Christian life, and the assurance that, one day–“after”–God will take us into His presence and into eternal blessing with Him. Personally, I’ve always smoothed out the repeated dotted quarter and eighth notes a bit in Vandall’s tune for a similar reason. To make the song flow more smoothly and suggest a more meditative mood.

      • Steve Weber
        1 September 2014 @ 11:13 am

        Thank you for your comment. That is why I did two version. The first version is the original version in 6/4 timing from one of his books in 4 part harmony with piano midi to wav conversion. The 2nd version will be easier for the singer who wants to sing it, but I will be playing the piano for him when he sings it. It is just for his practice at home.