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  1. Iggy Antiochus
    7 September 2010 @ 7:46 am

    Hymntime suggests the tune, “Kirken den er et” for Eternity, Eternity.

    My favorite text for this tune is, “Built on the Rock the Church doth Stand.” I am reminded of a few years back when a church was destroyed in the Middle East. The news broke overnight and I heard about it on Sunday morning before church. We sang this hymn based on the Gospel reading, which happened to relate to the news of the day.

    Built on the Rock the church doth stand
    Even when steeples are falling.
    Crumbled have spires in every land;
    Bells still are chiming and calling,
    Calling the young and old to rest
    But above all the soul distressed
    Longing for life everlasting.

    • rcottrill
      7 September 2010 @ 8:50 am

      A beautiful example of holy defiance. The “I will build My church” of the Lord Jesus (Matt. 16:18) still stands. It is an antidote against discouragement, when individual congregations go through difficult times.