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  1. Crystal
    20 October 2009 @ 10:20 am

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog. I looked through your blog and really enjoy it. My kids and I will be coming back to learn more, thanks!

    • rcottrill
      20 October 2009 @ 1:28 pm

      Great to hear from you, Crystal. We were able to send our son to a Christian school. (I served on the board for a number of years.) And Jim and his wife Shari are now missionaries in Mexico. The option of home schooling was not open to us, mainly for health reasons, but as indicated in my earlier comment, I greatly admire those who do this. The more I see the direction our education system is taking here in Canada–as in the States, I’m sure–the more I believe other families will be home schooling. We need to get our children grounded in the faith before they face a hostile world. God bless.

  2. Crystal
    20 October 2009 @ 10:20 am

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog. I looked through your blog and really enjoy it. My kids and I will be coming back to learn more, thanks!

    • rcottrill
      20 October 2009 @ 1:28 pm

      Great to hear from you, Crystal. We were able to send our son to a Christian school. (I served on the board for a number of years.) And Jim and his wife Shari are now missionaries in Mexico. The option of home schooling was not open to us, mainly for health reasons, but as indicated in my earlier comment, I greatly admire those who do this. The more I see the direction our education system is taking here in Canada–as in the States, I’m sure–the more I believe other families will be home schooling. We need to get our children grounded in the faith before they face a hostile world. God bless.

  3. Dorothy
    20 October 2009 @ 1:45 pm

    I love the words of Mary Lathbury’s hymn “Day is dying in the west!” It makes me think of Romans 1:19-20. I wish we had more occasions to sing this one.

    • rcottrill
      20 October 2009 @ 2:24 pm

      Agreed. And our little church is one that has unfortunately abandoned the Sunday evening service. Perhaps it would seem rather odd to sing the hymn in the morning service! But maybe we should try, just so folks stay familiar with it.

  4. Dorothy
    20 October 2009 @ 1:45 pm

    I love the words of Mary Lathbury’s hymn “Day is dying in the west!” It makes me think of Romans 1:19-20. I wish we had more occasions to sing this one.

    • rcottrill
      20 October 2009 @ 2:24 pm

      Agreed. And our little church is one that has unfortunately abandoned the Sunday evening service. Perhaps it would seem rather odd to sing the hymn in the morning service! But maybe we should try, just so folks stay familiar with it.