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  1. Doug
    21 May 2010 @ 2:40 pm

    Thanks for the comment on the blog Robert!

    • rcottrill
      21 May 2010 @ 2:43 pm

      Welcome! Drop by any time. 🙂

  2. Mats Ahlgren
    25 December 2012 @ 2:28 pm

    Interesting about Fred Bloom, but not fully true. No evidence of being in jail, but he left his ministry when living in North Point, Washington,around 1915. He became some sort of trading agent and went back to drinking, the reason for his first connection to Salvation Army early 1890 in Connecticut. His first marriage ended when the wife died just after giving birth to a daughter. His second marriage was now, 1917, a disaster and ended 1918 with a divorce. He wrote the song in the home of a Salvation Army officier in Chicago late 1917.

    • rcottrill
      26 December 2012 @ 8:46 am

      Thanks for your comments. They illustrate a problem I’ve come across once in awhile (though rarely)–a couple of different accounts of the origin of a hymn or gospel song. Unless you have first-hand information to support your alternate version, I’ll stick with the one I posted.

      I notice, checking four usually reliable sources, that Ken Osbeck (101 More Hymn Stories) says basically the same thing as I have, as does Cliff Barrows (Crusade Hymn Stories), and Salvation Army Officer Henry Gariepy (Songs in the Night), while Donald Hustad (Dictionary-Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church) gives both versions in some detail, and says he wasn’t able to reconcile them. (That, incidentally, is a solution I’ve sometimes found. That the two versions of the hymn’s background each contain facts that need to be fitted together.)

      • Mats Ahlgren
        26 December 2012 @ 9:13 am

        Some of my sources are in Swedish, taken down after his return to Sweden and when he ministered in Säter, Rättvik and Uddevalla. They are also told to the family, and his granddaughter (in his third marriage) also confirms part of it.

        His child from the first marriage is not found (by me) in any records, more than what the War Cry has when Fred’s first wife died in 1900. Reading the book Fred published in 1916 gives some explanations, and also describes part of his second marriage with Matilda, their two children, Viola and Wendell.

        Violas two children (grandchildren to Fred) carry a burden from Matilda, who was very angry on Fred, and they are not willing to talk to much about their grandfather. Rumours are about other things than socialism, the rumour about being in jail has not been proved (as I have found), perhaps you have more information about that.

        He wrote the song at the home of Blomgrens in Chicago and I have been told that the original manuscript has now been found (again). One reason for visiting Blomgren might be that Fred married the couple in 1902, when studying at North Park but also partly working as Salvation Army officer

        I can also add that it is well known that Fred had problem with drinking, that’s why he ended his work as captain on boats early 1890. He had problems with that even after coming back to Sweden, but was forgiven as he, by his own experience, gathered a lot of people with the same problem, sometimes so much so the congregation had to ask him to stop. They couldn’t take care of all new members.

        Sadly, his son in third marriage suffered from the same disease, and so did his grandson (in third marriage), he is now in a special home for persons with alcohol based dementia, and has forgotten most about the stories he heard as a boy.

        As you say, there is probably part of the truth in every published story, but I won’t accept the jail story until I have found proof.

        I can also add the Fred now rests in an unmarked grave in Ramneröds cemetery in Uddevalla, Sweden. His hymn is still very popular, the most wished song by homeless and similar people when you ask for their favourite It was amazing to hear the hymn being sung in a popular Swedish “Sing together TV program” from an outdoor arena, 25,000 Swedes singing an old hymn.
