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  1. Suzanne McKay
    2 April 2013 @ 10:49 am

    Robert, thank you for having information about James Black. Black is a family name, being descended from John Sullivan Black, Sam Houston’s first cousin. So, I wanted to see if James had a connection, as most of the family on my dad’s side were either preachers or missionaries, and we all sing, some of us professionally. This info was interesting, and I love his two tunes and one lyrically-written hymn in my hymn book. He may not be that close of a relative, but that’s okay. I got a kick out of him wanting more money for his hymn.

    • rcottrill
      2 April 2013 @ 11:42 am

      H-m-m… Well, “Black” is a fairly common name. It would take some careful research to pin down a proven connection with your family, but your comments are interesting. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Sylvia Emerson
    8 September 2015 @ 5:17 pm

    I am Catholic, my father was a Baptist minister. Music is very important to me. This hymn of Mr. Black’s is one of the most beautiful ones I have heard.