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  1. Carol Blair
    14 July 2010 @ 2:32 pm

    “Crown Him With Many Crowns”: My favorite verse (and hard to find) is

    Crown Him the Lord of Years,
    The Potentate of Time;
    Creator of the rolling spheres,
    Ineffably sublime . . .

    • rcottrill
      14 July 2010 @ 2:53 pm

      Yes, terrific. The Cyber Hymnal has all nine stanzas.

      • Marian
        24 February 2011 @ 1:43 pm

        Cyber hymnal (now called nethymnal) doesn’t give the author for verses 7 & 8. Do you happen to know who wrote them?

        • rcottrill
          24 February 2011 @ 2:18 pm

          Yes, I can help you with that one. Matthew Bridges wrote the original hymn. But Bridges was a Roman Catholic, and some of the sentiments of his hymn fit that persuasion. When the hymn, great as it is, was adopted for Protestant use, Godfrey Thring omitted some of Bridges’ stanzas and added some of his own. It gets even trickier, because in some hymnals there are stanzas that combine lines from both men!

          However, having said that, stanza 7, “Crown Him the Lord of heav’n,” is from the original hymn by Matthew Bridges. Stanza 8, “Crown Him the Lord of lords,” was written by Godfrey Thring. So, now you know! 🙂

          I do want to add a comment about your statement concerning the Cyber Hymnal. It is not “now called nethymnal.” I have been working with the editor of the original Cyber Hymnal, Dick Adams, for about 15 years, supplying information on hymns as needed. (Dick now has over 8,300 hymns on his wonderful site.) But a few years ago, someone came along and simply helped himself to all of Dick’s research–without asking his permission, or giving any credit for his years of work!

          Dick has copyrighted the name, Cyber Hymnal, but he had to adopt a new URL. You can go to the real Cyber Hymnal here. And I encourage you to use that site. You can tell the difference immediately. The plagerized version is simply loaded with advertising–some I’ve seen that’s not very appropriate. Dick Adams’ Cyber Hymnal contains no advertising at all.

  2. Marian
    25 February 2011 @ 5:31 pm

    Thank you for the information about the hymn. Also thank you for the information about Cyber Hymnal. At one time, a link that I had saved to Cyber Hymnal directed me to net hymnal, and since they look similar (though I do think the real Cyber Hymnal is easier to use) I assumed it was just a case of a name change. From now on I will use the real thing. Thank you.