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  1. anon
    16 October 2011 @ 9:20 am

    Regarding the song ‘Keep on Believing’ is in an extremely old blue hardback Salvation Army music book well before ‘Songs of Faith’ was published called ‘Revival songs’ which I have in front of me. It states the following:- Words by Commissioner M. Duff, and Music by Commissioner Mrs Booth- Hellberg. I would just like to say that your comments stated above mine, are very interesting.

    • rcottrill
      17 October 2011 @ 6:58 am

      Thanks for adding your thoughts. Seems as though we’ve got the origins of the text and tune pretty clear now. It’s a fine song and worth tracking down and using.

  2. anon
    24 January 2012 @ 6:25 pm

    Further to my comments made (anon on October 16 2011 at 9:20 am), I hope the following is of some use to you:- a) Open a Google page and type the following: Ian’s Regal Zonophone Keep On Believing then b) while listening to a Salvation Army Band March (The Flag of Freedom), go half-way down the page and in front of a list of titles, you will see ‘RECORD LABEL’. Click on the record label blue icon where it reads Keep on Believing. You will see what record label was originally used on an old 78rpm record. c) click off that label, go back to the main page and near the top highlighted in blue, you will find a list of titles. d) Scroll down until you find Keep on Believing and left click on the mouse to play this song. e) When you have finished listening, go to FILE then SEND page to Desktop. You will now be able to listen free of charge to thousands of songs and without any worry of any viruses.