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  1. Iggy Antiochus
    11 April 2010 @ 6:36 am

    Through your love and through the ram,
    You saved the son of Abraham;
    Through the power of your hand,
    Turned the sea into dry land.
    To the outcast on her knees,
    You were the God who really sees,
    And by Your might,
    You set Your children free.

    For those who celebrate the Great Vigil of Easter, El Shaddai could serve as one of the canticles during the Service of Readings, as the imagery relates to some of the scripture that is read.

  2. Iggy Antiochus
    11 April 2010 @ 6:53 am

    I would add that there would be less controversy over music forms in some circles if contemporary lyrics were this good across the board!

    • rcottrill
      11 April 2010 @ 8:22 am

      Amen to that. But that would require more song writers who, like Michael Card, are biblically literate and have a firm grasp of theology. Not only are these things not as prevalent as they once were, hymn book editors have become complicit in “dumbing down” the hymns so that the untaught will not have to stretch their minds and learn something. I’ve seen substitutions for Robinson’s “Here I raise mine Ebenezer” that don’t even make sense. The same likely can be said for Luther’s “Lord Sabaoth His name.” Yet both of these are based on Scripture and are rich in meaning.