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  1. ivoryspring
    16 December 2009 @ 12:11 pm

    I have enjoyed your post today, brother Robert! Would it be easy for you to directly place a link to the hymn on Cyberhymnal so that your visitors can directly click on the link in your post to get to the Cyberhymnal to hear the tune? Just a thought…

    Have a blessed day!

    • rcottrill
      17 December 2009 @ 8:24 am

      Thanks Wendy. (I answered your e-mail before I got to this comment. I see that you are familiar with the blog too.) As to linking to the Cyber Hymnal each time… Well, I’ve thought about it. Starting in the new year, I’ll be going through the blogs another time, adding more data, and some links as well. Sometimes it may be a link to a performance of the song that I think is worth hearing. Other times, there will be internal links to other blogs on the site where I discuss the same author or song. Or perhaps there will be more links to the Cyber Hymnal.

      I’m not sure I’ll link every time to the latter. I do promote the site here and there, as well as listing it in my sidebar. I’ve had a hand in assisting with the development of that site over the last 13 years, so do have special interest in it. However, a link to it every time may distract readers from my own purpose. Not sure about that, but will keep your idea in mind.