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  1. Carol Blair
    27 January 2010 @ 5:53 pm

    “Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken” — I’ve checked two hymnals, and the tune ELLESDIE is in them both, but it is not the tune sung by this congregation.

    • rcottrill
      27 January 2010 @ 7:02 pm

      Interesting. You don’t mention the tune your congregation uses. Ellesdie is the most common I think, but I notice the Cyber Hymnal uses Hyfrydol, with Ellesdie as a second choice ( ). This is a truly great hymn tune, and it’s tempting to use it with a whole bunch of hymns (My Redeemer, Love Divine, etc.). It can get overused because it works so well with many texts.

      • Carol Blair
        27 January 2010 @ 8:00 pm

        The ELLESDIE at the link you gave is the tune I’m most familiar with–and the tune printed in the two hymnals I checked. (Although this rendition of it has some slight variations.)