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  1. Amanda
    22 May 2010 @ 9:02 am


    Thanks again for the comment on my blog. I am glad you jogged my memory about your website so I can begin following it. You have much here that I could learn and incorporate in the homeschooling of my son. Thanks for the correction on my post regarding “refrain” and “chorus”. I am not a music major or expert in any way and just jotted that note a few months ago when my heart was full after singing hymns with my son. I do sing the hymns with my son because my church (as many today) doesn’t give full attention to the old hymns and I don’t want him growing up not hearing them. We have what they call “blended” music and we do occasionally sing the old hymns, but sadly, not as often as I wish. Certainly, not enough for them to become part of my son’s fabric for life as they are mine so I am teaching them at home. He is almost 3 years old and it thrills my soul to hear him singing, “I come to the garden alone where the dew is still on the roses” as we go down the road. He knows it almost completely by heart. Anyway, thanks again for reading and following my blog and thanks for this great website. Can’t wait to dig around a bit more and learn a few things.

    • rcottrill
      22 May 2010 @ 1:03 pm

      The comments of this blogger about the state of things in her church are all too familiar. For a discussion of the roots of the problem, see my article, Ignorance–Blissful or Otherwise