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  1. Iggy Antiochus
    22 April 2010 @ 10:46 pm

    I take issue with “Lonesome Valley” in that Christ promises to be with us, so we are not alone even when it feels like we are. Also, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we too come alongside each other and share our mutual woes, our mutual burdens bear. But in those times when my fellow family of Christ cannot comfort me, there is still the assurance that Christ understands and He is with me to carry me through. He gives His comfort, His peace, His forgiveness, which outlasts all trials and temptations. Just a few thoughts…

    • rcottrill
      23 April 2010 @ 7:46 am

      I certainly agree with what you’re saying. But the key is there in your first sentence: “…even when it feels like we are. One of the dictionary definitions of loneliness is “dejected by feeling alone.” And to put the song in its racial context for a moment. Think of Jackie Robinson on the baseball field, in the early days. Yes, Branch Rickey was behind him, and he had his wife’s support. As I recall, he was also a professing Christian, so would have prayed about what he was doing. But out there on the baseball field, with vile abuse being hurled at him by other players, and from the stands, that was a “lonesome valley.”

  2. Iggy Antiochus
    23 April 2010 @ 11:10 am

    The hymn offers no comfort to the Christian. When a person is struggling, in depression, hurting, mourning, etc., I don’t see where this hymn would help.

    Contrast that with, say, “Let My People Go,” which details God’s deliverance of His people. Deliverance gives hope! Loneliness only yields more loneliness.

    I write here as a person who has battled depression, although not as severe as many. Mine comes and goes and doesn’t happen all that often. But when it does, I look more to Abide With Me than the Lonesome Valley.

    • rcottrill
      23 April 2010 @ 11:55 am

      Well, let me address your thoughful comments. The comfort found in “Lonesome Valley” lies in the realization that the Lord Jesus has walked the path of suffering before us. When we suffer, especially for the cause of Christ, we experience what Paul calls “the fellowship of His sufferings” (Phil. 3:10). That awareness, in turn, gives great reassurance in our prayers (Heb. 4:15-16). That in itself gives hope, long before deliverance comes.

      But it is important to keep in mind that “Lonesome Valley” does not stand alone. It is only one song in our rich heritage of hymnody. I believe it expresses feelings that are a legitimate part of the human experience. But the song is not for everyone or every situation. We see precisely the same thing in the Psalms. They represent an incredibly wide spectrum of human experience and emotion. There are songs of joy and of sorrow, of fear, and rage, as well as triumph and peace. For example, Ps. 137 voices the sorrow of the Jews in captivity, and their cry for bloody vengeance on their captors. There may be days when I can identify with some of what is there, but other days when Ps. 136 is more in tune with where I’m at in my pilgrimage.

      Thanks for sharing about your experience with depression. My wife has suffered from chronic depression for the over 40 years I have known her. And in times of deep depression “Abide with Me,” beautiful though it is, offers no solace at all. That is not to say it ceases to be biblically true. But that the soul is not able to appropriate what is there.

      I do greatly appreciate your comments. You speak with knowledge and insight that is refreshing, even when I’m not fully in agreement. (Hey! I’ve still got a lot to learn! 🙂 )

  3. Iggy Antiochus
    23 April 2010 @ 12:24 pm

    Hey, friend! It was “lonesome valley” or wax on about Luther and the Sacraments 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend!