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  1. superkitty1
    14 February 2013 @ 2:00 pm

    I believe that talking to someone is not a comfort at all when they are really hurting. If you can you should hold them close and let them pour out their heart to you and to the Lord, pray with them, and love them in any way you can demonstrate in a material way. And don’t just abandon them afterward like the job is done. It is not done until they receive some relief from their grief and hurt. If this action is rejectted by the hurting person, just let them know that you will be there for them when they need you and will be praying for them in the meantime.

    I have taken comfort in the past with Does Jesus Care, Rock of Ages, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, and It is Well With My Soul, and some others that I can’t think of the name of right now because they are neglected in the church today and not often sung. Any hymn or song that reminds me of the greatness of God and His power and His care for His children.

    • rcottrill
      14 February 2013 @ 2:19 pm

      Excellent comments, greatly appreciated. The last thing a sufferer needs is someone preaching at them, or telling them if they only had more faith they wouldn’t be in this mess!

      In 2005, Rest Ministries Publishers put out a little book by Lisa Copen (the founder of Rest Ministries). The book is called Beyond Cassaroles–505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend. For those wondering how they might minister to someone who’s hurting, there are many ideas there.