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  1. Bonnie Klaassen
    29 December 2013 @ 11:47 pm

    I was reminded of this hymn in a sermon this morning and told the story of it’s background, a few details of which are missing here. It has been probably been more than twenty-five years since I have heard this hymn and I had forgotten what a soul-stirring hymn it was.

    More details about it can be found at ntury/.

    I have come across your blog a number of times as I have been searching for various hymns. Thank you for your service! I so much enjoy reading the stories behind the the music! Our little assembly of believers on the Canadian prairies remains dedicated to singing hymns and being edified by the messages in them. One of my hobbies is collecting old hymn books and I snatch them up whenever I come across one I haven’t yet seen at a used book store garage sale.

    • rcottrill
      30 December 2013 @ 8:23 am

      Well, a triple blessing to start the new day! Thank you for your kind words about the blog. As a student of hymnology for over forty years, I’m convinced churches lose a great deal when they abandon the old hymns and gospel songs.

      That’s why it’s good to hear of another church that continues to sing them (as ours does). Maybe the Lord will enable us to do a little to keep this precious heritage alive.

      Then there’s your hobby of collecting old hymn books. I do too, some of them dating back to the mid-nineteenth century, with one reprint from the eighteenth. The oldest are beginning to crumble, but I treasure them. When I’m looking for a particular old hymn, they’ve come to my rescue again and again.

      God bless you, and the believers with whom you fellowship.