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  1. K Crunk
    4 June 2012 @ 8:45 pm

    I appreciate this blog. And your love for hymns. I find myself drawn back to the proven truths expressed in those great songs.

    • rcottrill
      4 June 2012 @ 10:34 pm

      Thanks for the encouragement. Drop by any time. 🙂

  2. Carol Blair
    5 June 2012 @ 12:05 am

    When I was growing up, whenever it rained on Sunday evening, we sang this hymn in our evening service.

    • rcottrill
      5 June 2012 @ 6:42 am

      Interesting. I was reminiscing on Sunday about another custom I recall as a small child. This past week-end our Queen celebrated the diamond jubilee of her reign, so I decided to open the service with a couple of stanzas of God Save the Queen.

      I told the folks that in the church I attended as a small child we began every worship service with the singing of God Save the Queen, and O Canada. Personally, I can’t think now of a way to defend that on biblical, spiritual, or practical grounds, but we did it. It was just after the war. Maybe that made a difference. But I’d much rather hear O Worship the King, or Come, Thou Almighty King exalting the Almighty. A place for everything, and everything in its place!

  3. Melody
    13 October 2013 @ 6:18 pm

    It is a rainy Sunday here in South Texas. Any day it rains in San Antonio is a blessing. So I was looking up references to rain in my Bible and Ezekial 34: 26 was the verse suggested. In my Bible I have the hymns from the Baptist Hymnal on the page where the Biblical reference is found. lNaturally, Showers of Blessings was there. I found your site on google and was surprised to learn that verse 5 is not included in hymnals. I have several other denominations hymnals and none of them has the 5th verse. Having grown up in the church I was in awe that you included it. Thanks.

    • rcottrill
      13 October 2013 @ 9:13 pm

      Thanks for your encouragement. As to the fifth verse of Showers of Blessing, it really is the most important of all, since it makes a personal application, and shows how we can enjoy the blessing of God. The hymnal Living Hymns (a fine hymn book) does include it. God bless.

  4. jculler1972
    19 April 2018 @ 5:28 am

    Reblogged this on Lutheran Ladies Connection and commented:
    I think this song and especially the comments in the post about revival are significant for me and for my church at this time. I’m hoping other readers will find it meaningful as well. It is certainly a beautiful and uplifting hymn.

    • rcottrill
      19 April 2018 @ 7:26 am

      Thanks for the reblog, and for your comments. I think the first step to a time of spiritual refreshing is often that sense of need–a need for closer fellowship with the Lord and for His tender mercy and grace in our lives (Heb. 4:15-16). God bless.

      • jculler1972
        19 April 2018 @ 12:35 pm

        Maybe you would like to check out the Lutheran Ladies Connection. We often post about Christian hymns or songs that are important to us in our Christian walk, although not in the historical detail you have supplied. Your information and thoughts are much appreciated.