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  1. Jan
    21 August 2017 @ 12:02 pm

    Thank you for the reminder to set our minds on things above where Christ is seated. I am convinced that we don’t think of heaven as often as we ought, not nearly as much as believers in the past who faced more serious illnesses and witnessed death more frequently. Too often modern believers focus on health and fitness more than heaven. Yet how fleeting is this life compared with our eternal life with Christ. What comfort to know that there is more than this life to look forward to. Just as the anticipation of some earthly enjoyment excite us, how much more should the hope we have in Christ give us a deep abiding joy and anticipation to see the One who has saved us. Just as a bride longs for her wedding day, how much should Christ’s church long for her Bridegroom and the wedding feast promised her. I don’t think it is possible to think too much of heaven. For the scripture says it is a pujanrifying hope. 1 John 3:3

    • rcottrill
      21 August 2017 @ 12:19 pm

      Excellent comments, beautifully stated. I agree 100%. Friends visited us yesterday whom we haven’t seen for twenty years or so. And over some great Chinese food, we got discussing this very thing. It’s almost as though, with the relative affluence of North America, many folks are saying, “Who needs heaven; I’m happy with this.” But back in the nineteenth century, and earlier, death was a common reality, and many more hymns and gospel songs about heaven were written to provide hope and comfort. Thanks for your input. And God bless.