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  1. heckety
    17 December 2013 @ 2:12 pm

    Christian children all must be
    Mild, obedient, good as He.

    Post-Freudian we may be but ever since I could read to sing this hymn as a child, these two lines have been my promise to God that I’ll try harder this next year. Silly huh?

    Just wanted to say that as I was putting together our Cathedral Carol Service this year, trying as ever to make it meaningful and inspiring for the congregation, I have been dipping in and out of your posts about the meaning etc of the hymns I was considering. I found your words very useful and I thank you. I rarely comment on your posts but I read them and am interested. As I teach in a Church school I also find myself sometimes using information gleaned from you when explaining the meaning of hymns to the school children as I wholeheartedly believe that children should understand the words they are singing. I’m sorry I don’t let you know this more often, but you are providing this teacher and Church organist with a valued resource.

    • rcottrill
      17 December 2013 @ 3:18 pm

      How delightful to hear from you, and learn of another way someone is putting the material to use. I was adding up, roughly, the other day: I’ve written blogs on over 500 hymns (not all posted as yet), articles in the almanac section of the blog on about a thousand hymn writers and their songs, plus another 700 newspaper articles on hymns, and several books (only one in print, to date). It does mount up!

      Glad to hear you’re finding the material useful in a church school. I taught some of it to grade 7 and 8 children in a Christian school some years ago. Parents reported later how much more their children were getting out of the worship services of the church. God bless you in your work, and Merry Christmas.