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  1. shewhowaits
    12 July 2012 @ 7:35 pm

    I found this hymn in a lot of hymnals, but it wasn’t until the last couple I looked in that I found it using the tune EVAN. The others used ARLINGTON, AZMON, or PISGAH. I thought PISGAH was particularly lovely.

    • rcottrill
      13 July 2012 @ 8:25 am

      Thanks for the suggestions. This is a Common Metre hymn ( so there are quite a few tunes that suit it. Pisgah is a fine tune, though I’m not sure I’d prefer it with this hymn. The hymn is Common Metre, but the tune isn’t quite. It’s metre is which would require singing two stanzas for each time through the melody, with a bit of adjustment along the way. (A trained choir could do this more easily than a congregation.)