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  1. Maxine
    17 February 2011 @ 11:49 am

    Hello. I have had this site bookmarked for a while now and do come from time to time. This is a wonderful work you’re doing here. I love the old hymns and love reading the stories and circumstances of their being written.

    I have just started a new blog devoted to Elizabeth Prentiss and invite you to visit when you can. Hopefully, my name above is linked to it. I hope it’s alright that I’m linking to your site here on the sidebar of the new blog .

    Thanks for your service.

    • rcottrill
      17 February 2011 @ 1:35 pm

      Thanks for your encouraging note, Maxine. Yes, it’s great that you’re providing a link to my sight. My study of hymns over the last 40-50 years has been a blessing to me. Now my blog enables me to bless others too! The present project of “Reflections” on our hymns will take about 3 years to complete posts on about 750 songs. By then, I may be ready for the old folks home, anyway! 🙂

  2. Bruce ekhoff
    25 April 2018 @ 8:03 am

    I just found this great hymn, and happened to stumble on your insight to the hymn.
    The ninth stanza [?]. I shall record this site in the future. Thanks.

    • rcottrill
      25 April 2018 @ 8:57 am

      Thanks for your comments. I wasn’t sure if you intended to say more about the ninth stanza or not, but it is indeed glorious. God bless.