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  1. Judy Booth
    22 March 2019 @ 6:59 am

    This amazing song was sung at our son’s baby dedication just a couple of days before he had major surgery. He was born with cranostenosis and without surgery would have had a odd shaped head because the bones at the top of his head had fused and needed to be separated. Back then it was a pretty risky surgery but due to micro surgery and a competent Surgeon who had just moved into Edmonton where we lived at the time. We Trusted God to lead and guide in our decision to go forward with surgery. An older neuro surgeon had told us that he could die on the operating table. My husband asked a very important question of the neurosurgeon. “IF IT WERE YOUR SON WOULD YOU OPERATE?” When the surgeon said “Yes” my husband was quick to make a decision. I needed time to pray about it but the next morning I made the decision along with my husband to go forward with surgery. The thought came to me. IF HE DID NOT HAVE SURGERY AND LATER IN LIFE WHEN HIS HEAD WAS AN ODD SHAPE WOULD HE BLAME ME.
    I always think of this song as Shawn’s song. This song helped our family through a most difficult time in our life. Often it comes to mind when faced with challenging times.
    The surgery was successful and my son is now 38 years old.
    4 years after our son was born we had a baby who was also born with complications. Janelle was the second baby in the world with her diagnosis. She lived exactly 6 months and once again this song reminded us to trust God to give us the the power needed to get through tough times. The song I learned just before she was born was IN HIS TIME. I always think if that as Janelle’s song.

    • rcottrill
      22 March 2019 @ 7:47 am

      What an amazing story, and a wonderful example of what it means to lean on the Lord in difficult times. I don’t know if your church uses the Power for Living adult Sunday School paper, put out by David C. Cook/Scripture Press, but I’m pretty sure they’d be interested in using your account. Worth a try, as it could encourage many others.

      Also, a personal note, our pastor plans to preach a message on faith this coming Sunday. I’ve chosen a number of good hymns on the subject, and also decided to put together what I’m calling “A Faith Medley” of old choruses that most of our folks know. One after another we’ll sing, Got Any Rivers You Think Are Uncrossable?; My Lord Knows the Way Through the Wilderness; I Just Keep Trusting My Lord; and Learning to Lean.

      May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing.