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  1. burresor
    22 April 2018 @ 11:44 am

    Reblogged this on Seeking God Daily and commented:
    Yet another old hymn that carries a powerful message is “It Is Well With My Soul.”

    When at some of the hardest, most trying points in my life I have asked: How do I go on believing? How can I hold on to my faith when things are not going my way? How do I hang on when things look so bad?

    I cannot help but wonder if perhaps the composer of this song felt the same.

    Sometimes, it takes God’s holding our hand and seeing us through the fire for us to see how blessed we are. For we are not always delivered from the fire, but rather… by it.

  2. Tom Fehr
    19 October 2018 @ 12:37 pm

    I appreciate your insights, having just run across you blog today and realize this is an old post. Just wondering if you were aware of the rest of the sad story of Spafford’s life, and simply chose not to go there?

    • rcottrill
      19 October 2018 @ 1:33 pm

      Yes, I think I know quite a bit. I’ve written several articles on the hymn and Mr. Spafford. Another one here deals with his later insanity. And this one has lots of pictures. Thanks for writing. God bless.