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  1. Sarah Brannon
    2 July 2012 @ 2:16 pm

    I have been unable to find this hymn in print. If you have a copy in “hymn” format I would like to receive a copy. Could y ou direct me to a source or possibly email a copy to me. Thank you. I enjoyed your blog on the hymn. I am re-reading “Amazing Grace” a devotional by Kenneth Osbeck and I am trying to collect a copy of each hymn. This is one I have been unable to find.
    Thank you for your thoughtful devotional.

    • rcottrill
      2 July 2012 @ 4:08 pm

      Thanks for the question. I’ve sent along the requested song via e-mail. It’s also found in the hymn book Living Hymns. God bless.

      • Sarah Brannon
        2 July 2012 @ 4:24 pm

        Thank you for your very prompt response. I have printed the music and I will add it to my collection. My husband is a pastor and just began a series on Eccesiastes. I printed your devotional for his reference since this hymn is so illustrative of the futility of a life without Jesus! May God continue to bless your ministry. Thanks for the reference to “Living Hymns”. It would be a nice addition to my growing collection of hymnbooks. They are truly a lost treasure!
        Thanks again. Blessings “In Jesus”,
        Sarah Brannon

  2. shewhowaits
    12 July 2012 @ 6:13 pm

    I think these words also go very nicely with the tune GREENWELL.

    • rcottrill
      13 July 2012 @ 8:16 am

      Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, the tune Greenwell works fine with this hymn. (It’s a bit of an odd metre so there aren’t many tunes to choose from.) I would recommend that if Greenwell (normally used with O for a Faith That Will Not Shrink) is used, it not be taken too quickly, given the subject matter.