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  1. Scott
    14 August 2017 @ 11:43 pm

    You can’t get more central than He loves us. Excellent post. I appreciate this blog very much.

    • rcottrill
      17 August 2017 @ 8:57 am

      Thanks for your observations. My mother grew up on a home with five brothers who were heavy drinkers and pretty rough characters. She became a Christian at the age of 15, and had to hold her own in that environment. She was firm in her stand, but not combative. Two results of those years: 1) She grew up with a passionate hatred of alcohol; 2) She sustained her spiritual life by memorizing Scripture, committing whole books of the Bible to memory. Even in her eighties, if you gave her the first few words of a psalm, she could quote the whole psalm to you–though I never tested her with Psalm 119! 🙂

      Yes, there are times for righteous anger and confrontation. But for the most part, if we can manage it, Christians should be instruments of peace (Rom. 12:18). We are to speak with “grace, seasoned with salt” (Col. 4:6), possibly meaning, pleasant and winsome, but promoting purity, “ready to give a defense [an answer] to everyone who asks [us] a reason for the hope that is in [us], with meekness and [godly] fear” (I Pet. 3:15).