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  1. Bro. Nick Nicholas
    19 November 2017 @ 1:53 am

    I read the comment made by ‘Gipsy’ Smith in the biography ‘from the forest I came’ by David Lazell
    – For a few years now – one of my prayers is that ‘May I never lose the wonder of it all’ – which so far has been granted unto me by “the Lord God omnipotent” whom I so very thankfully worship and serve.

    Another quote by ‘Gipsy’ that is still being very real help to me personally – as my only formal education is a high school diploma from 50+ years ago
    – ‘An unlearned man with the Spirit is mightier than a host of academics without Him.’

    • rcottrill
      19 November 2017 @ 9:38 am

      Thanks for your comments. I do agree with the latter quote from Gypsy Smith. However, praise the Lord we have men and women with both. That is Spirit-filled servants of God who also have the academic training to speak with authority on various areas related to Bible translation, doctrine, Christian living, and more.