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  1. Scott
    12 August 2017 @ 11:24 pm

    I’m not sure why this site has not taken off. It is wonderful. I know it is difficult for me to answer who I have known and if taking up the cross is life and to die is gain. But my heart is very much in tune with suffering and the rewards that Jesus places all along the way,

    • rcottrill
      13 August 2017 @ 7:14 am

      Thanks for the encouragement. As for the success of the site, we make haste slowly. I’ve had more than three quarters of a million visitors from about two hundred countries of the world. The Lord has enabled me to be a help and encouragement to many I’ll never likely meet this side of heaven. For that I praise Him.

      • Scott
        13 August 2017 @ 7:25 am

        Wow that is amazing and Praise Jesus. You are right. He uses us in perfect timing with His will. Meeting people in heaven is very hopeful to me also.