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  1. John Batchelor
    13 May 2019 @ 3:45 pm

    I don’t know if you can help me, but I guess it’s worth a try. I am trying to find the lyrics for a few hymns sung by Helen Barth on a Singspiration LP called “Songs of the Redeemed”. The songs are “I Know Not But My Father Knows”,”Out from His Wounded Side”, “In the Beloved”,”Resting in His Love” and “That’s How I Want My Lord to Find Me”. I can’t quite make out the words of these lovely songs and I am try to type up the words for a friend who is even harder of hearing than I am.If you can help or know of someone who can, I would be most grateful. Thank you for what you are doing. I agree – hymns are so important and the old hymns should not be shelved just for the sake of not being “cool”.

    • rcottrill
      14 May 2019 @ 9:30 am

      Thanks for the inquiry, but I’m not sure I can be much help. As you can see, this particular blog focuses mainly on the traditional hymns and gospel songs found in our standard non-denominational hymn books. For these, I don’t need to stray much beyond the earlier part of the 20th century.

      I seem to recall singing Out from His Wounded Side, many years ago, but was unable to find the song, even in my low voice books. Checking about a dozen resources, I was able to find only Resting in His Love. So, here it is:

      1) God has shown His loving face
      From His throne in heav’n above;
      And I’ve found a resting place,
      In the shelter of His love.

      I am resting, resting, resting
      Resting, sweetly resting in His love;
      I am resting in His love,
      Resting in the shelter of His love.

      2) When the cares of life oppress,
      When the sky is dark above;
      I can always find a rest,
      In the shelter of His love.

      3) O, if you were never blest,
      With this peace from heav’n above;
      There’s for you a wondrous rest,
      In the shelter of His love.