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  1. Laura Munson
    21 June 2016 @ 3:34 pm

    Thank you. When I was spiritually growing up in the Baptist church in the US, it was always “worlds” & “rolling.” Now that I’ve moved to the UK, it’s “works” & “mighty.” I’ve wondered why the difference & which was first & now I know.

    This blog’s been such a blessing to me since I discovered it; here in the UK, most churches have modernized into using mostly newer hymns & praise songs & while I do enjoy worshipping w/some of them, they can’t hold a candle to the old hymns. God bless your efforts.

    • rcottrill
      21 June 2016 @ 6:44 pm

      Thanks for your comments. My wife and I currently attend a church that uses mostly traditional hymns. (Maybe that’s because the pastor has asked me to pick them week by week :-).) I have an interesting time when I go to preach anywhere, as I usually suggest hymns that will relate to my message. Ah well, over 650,000 visitors to my blog suggest there are many around the world who still want to sing the old hymns.