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  1. Carol Blair
    30 December 2009 @ 7:59 pm

    “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” is very appropriate for end of year/beginning of year.

    “Be Thou our Guide while life shall last, and our Eternal Home.”

    On the “Historical Hymn Issues,” I agree completely with all of your conclusions. I would add, though, that children can learn hymns very easily, because the poetry is so good. Well-written poetry that has meter and rhyme (which is what most hymns are) is easily memorized. Young children may not understand all the words, but as they grow and mature, their understanding will grow.

    • rcottrill
      31 December 2009 @ 9:29 am

      I agree about the ability of children to memorize. They are like sponges in that regard. And yes, this should include hymns, as well as Scripture. (Parents need to be involved in teaching both.) And we do need to explain what is learned as much as possible, though undoubtedly more understanding will come with the passing years.

  2. Carol Blair
    31 December 2009 @ 2:24 pm

    A P.S. to yesterday’s comment: I really enjoyed the video clips. I have never heard of John Hong, and I’d like to hear more of his playing. does not list any CDs by him. Do you know of any?

    • rcottrill
      31 December 2009 @ 2:46 pm

      No, sorry. I’d never heard of him before. Maybe the CD’s are yet to come!