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  1. D. and T. Lee
    16 June 2013 @ 5:58 pm

    This is a precious hymn that we love to sing in family worship, as well as with the saints at church. I wonder if this kind of happiness can be obtained unless a family does worship together as the song eludes to (“where prayer is heard and praise is wont to rise”)? When “home” is a flophouse for individuals rather than a place of nurturing and mutual ministering, the happiness that Ware spoke of cannot exist. How blest it is to have a truly happy home in Christ!

    • rcottrill
      16 June 2013 @ 6:07 pm

      Thanks for your excellent observations. I agree. This morning, at our Father’s Day Service, we had a baby dedication. (Very appropriate.) And I preached on the parable of the Prodigal Son, concentrating particularly on the love of the father. We had a great time, and we sang Happy the Home together. I too was impressed, as we sang the words, at what a wonderful picture of a Christian home the author give us. God bless.