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  1. Selina
    26 March 2014 @ 1:05 am

    I sang this hymn over and over again and i am never tired because it brings with it the hope, joy, and rest of heaven that sends such a shock through my soul and an unexplicable tears from eyes. I pray that God will help me to remain stedfast till the end

    • rcottrill
      26 March 2014 @ 7:14 am

      Thanks for your comments. There are hymns that strike me at a deeply emotional level too. Come, Ye Disconsolate is one of them. It is the strength of great hymns, that they not only present the truth of God’s Word, but help us to express our feelings about it.

    21 November 2014 @ 2:56 pm

    Super hymn fitting for every moment. This hymn is a food not only to the weak, but to all whose passion is on material things that will soon pass away. In fact,the hymn is a binding wire, keeping and strengthening our faith on Jesus Christ.