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  1. steve williams
    7 August 2018 @ 3:21 pm

    Dear Mr. Cottrill, some time ago I intended to write and ask you about a song, O Mighty God How Wonderful Thou Art. Evidently I failed to push the send button or some operator error. Since then I did a little digging and found it was written by a D. Esther. I found the author and only a mention of it in The With the author’s name I found just a little more on a blog called Hymns With a Message that I discovered in my search. But again the blog author gave the song some context but not too much more. I learned the song from a record that the Grand Rapids School of The Bible and Music made. My sister went there in the Late 60’s, early 70’s. The song is just beautiful and they “performed” it beautifully on the record. And then more recently I heard it played on Rejoice Radio out of Pensacola, sung by a Kevin Wissink. Are you familiar with it and I was wondering if you knew any more about its history?

    • rcottrill
      9 August 2018 @ 4:54 pm

      I did get your message, and wrote a reply. Perhaps it didn’t reach you. (We’ve been having phone and computer problems lately.) I did a search, both in many old song books, and on the Net, and couldn’t find any more. God bless.