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  1. Kevin Pearson
    18 October 2012 @ 5:21 pm

    Robert – I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks for your service in writing your blog. This particular posting about “Does Jesus Care” was just perfect timing for me.

    Yesterday I had to awake at 5:00 AM to proceed to a local surgical center for two procedures and was a little anxious about the surgeries. Before I left I opened my email and there was your post. I found it very comforting and helpful and a good reminder that Jesus does care and He uses vessels like you to speak to us. God may not have spoken to me in a loud thundering voice like a Cecil B. DeMille movie but he did speak and let me know He was there with me through my personal trial.

    Thanks so much! You’ll never know how much I enjoy reading your posts. I pray that the Lord will give you the encouragement and strength to continue to do so because you never know who they might be speaking to at the time they need it most.

    Kevin Pearson

    • rcottrill
      18 October 2012 @ 5:28 pm

      Thanks so much for your kind words. I myself get a great deal of encouragement from the research and writing of these articles. And I’m hoping, in the next few weeks (after a number of delays), that my second book, Discovering the Songs of Comfort, will be available. It provides background and meditation on about 65 hymns like this one. God bless. Hope the procedures went well, and weren’t too stressful.

  2. superkitty1
    19 October 2012 @ 8:39 am

    At one point in my life, I lost my mother and husband withing the space of one year, the church I was attending where my husband had been a member totally betrayed and slandered me, I had cancer with internal and external radiation treatments, was harrassed by people my husband owed money to, all my “friends” but one turned against me. My heart felt many times like it was going to literally break. If the Lord had not been with me I don’t know what I might have done. I really experienced that underneath are the everlasting arms. Anything thing that has happened since has been a “piece of cake” for me because He is always there and I KNOW IT.

    • rcottrill
      19 October 2012 @ 9:35 am

      Oh my! My daily Bible readings right now are in the book of Job, and your list of painful trials reminds me a little of what he went through. But though Job was puzzled and confused about what was happening to him, he never lost the confidence that there was an answer. His faith in God remained–and it sounds as though yours does too. God bless you. I’m glad this hymn has been a blessing.