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  1. Julie (aka Cookie)
    23 October 2017 @ 6:39 am

    one of my all time favorites!!!

    • rcottrill
      23 October 2017 @ 8:04 am

      Mine too–though studying hymns for over 50 years has tended to give me many “favourites.” It was also my father’s favourite hymn, and the only recording I have of his voice is of him leading the singing in a church service, and announcing that hymn. Dad was a music major at Moody Bible Institute, in Chicago. He was, at various times, a violist in a church orchestra, a church organist and choir director, and the trainer of two excellent men’s quartets.

      The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. As well as serving as a pastor and Bible college professor, I’ve been involved in music all my life. And that that can be extended in two directions. My grandmother was a wonderful soprano soloist, and sang in Handel’s Messiah, in England. My son, a missionary in Mexico with his family, is a fine soloist, and plays keyboard in the services. (Forgive the ramble down memory lane. Great to hear from you. God bless.)

      • Julie (aka Cookie)
        23 October 2017 @ 9:36 am

        a delightful sharing and not rambling—and a tale of a true legacy—you are rooted well Robert and are sending forth the next generation in find form!!!