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  1. D. and T. Lee
    10 May 2013 @ 6:49 pm

    Hello again! Thanks so much for introducing a “new” hymn to us! Pardon me if this is a “side comment,” but it touched me that you mentioned that the composer was a woman who was seriously ill and bedridden. I (“T”) am in such a condition myself, and it thrills me to see how many times God has used women in such circumstances to write Christ-honoring poems and hymns. [I write poems sometimes; but most often devotionals and stories.] As far as the worthy hymn, I am sorry that it is not sung more. Can we ever get weary of singing the praises of Jesus? Should the doctrines of His wonderful character ever dim in our minds? Please, no! Praise God for such music; it reminds us that this life is not all there is. It reminds us of Christ, who is Truth; and that His Kingdom shall never end. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

    • rcottrill
      10 May 2013 @ 10:31 pm

      Thanks for your encouragement. In about fifty years of studying hymns, I’ve come across this many times–that the hymn writer has a serious disability, or chronic illness, or is going through a painful crisis. But God used these things over and over, to enrich the hymns they wrote. They wrote out of genuine experiences with God. I added a topical article some time ago, listing just a few of the hymn writers who have shared with us through various kinds of trials. You can read it here. God bless.