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  1. Doug
    29 August 2018 @ 10:32 am

    Wonderful, rich meditation. The second and third stanzas really grabbed me. There is a battle, true enough. We know this to be true. To the extent we aren’t experiencing the daily reality of the struggle, to that extent we are blind and need to appeal to our King for eyes to see and a heart willing to speedily respond.

    I am a new visitor to your blog. I see it’s been many faithful years. I appreciate that and encouraged to find this site. Thank you and please continue the fight. 🙂

    • rcottrill
      29 August 2018 @ 3:31 pm

      Great to hear from another “soldier of the cross.” I’ve been studying hymns and gospel songs for over 50 years now. They continue to come to mind and bless me, day after day. Thanks for getting in touch.