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  1. Lorraine Shepherd
    8 June 2009 @ 6:23 pm

    I found this article very interesting in the depth that you researched your material and the author that wrote these words. Her Faith in God came across very strongly. As a person that enjoys music I really found this quite interesting. I hope that I will get to see many more articles like this one.
    God Bless
    Lorraine Shepherd

    • rcottrill
      8 June 2009 @ 7:41 pm

      Thanks Lorraine. I always feel that knowing a bit about the author of a hymn gives me a better understanding of its meaning. And yes, there will be new articles on the site every day, about something that happened that particular day in hymn history.

  2. Gary and Ardys Winger
    8 June 2009 @ 10:47 pm

    We just came from a mission conference at Prairie Tabernacle in Three Hills, and this was our theme song. They gave this background too, which we found very interesting, having lived in several small northern towns in Ontario when Gary was flying. We sang both versions of the song. It sure makes the songs more meaningful when you know something about the author and background.

    • rcottrill
      8 June 2009 @ 11:21 pm

      Thanks for the comment. I agree. Years ago, I taught hymnology to Grades 7 and 8. Parents reported later (with some amazement) that now their children opened their hymn books in church, and actually sang! That’s part of what the Bible means by “singing with understanding.”

  3. Riley Hendricks
    9 January 2010 @ 6:43 pm

    Several years ago I came across additional lyrics for ‘So Send I You’ which were written from the view of parents entrusting their children to God’s care on the mission field. The words were poignant yet hopeful and powerful. I’ve long since lost them. Do you know of any such lyrics?

    • rcottrill
      9 January 2010 @ 11:50 pm

      Wow! No. Interesting. I only know of the two versions Margaret Clarkson gave us. If you can track the other version down, I’d love to see some information on it.

  4. Michelle Flint
    2 April 2010 @ 11:37 am

    I found this article while researching for my college hymnology class project. I enjoyed this article and found some information about Margaret Clarkson I had not seen before. Thank you for this article.

    Riley Hendricks asked about the other set of lyrics to this song. The book 101 Hymn Stories by Kenneth W. Osbeck and published by Kregel Publications in 1982 has an article on this song along with the original five verse to this song and the five verses Margaret later composed in 1963. There are also several websites that have the original 5 verses along with the tune of the hymn and I found one website that has four of the five verses which were composed later. I just used an internet search engine to find these.

    • rcottrill
      3 April 2010 @ 10:43 am

      Thanks for sharing. Have a joyous Resurrection Sunday!

  5. Tija Koshy
    12 November 2011 @ 9:43 pm

    Hi. I love this song and would like to teach my choir this one for a programme where we have been invited to sing a welcome song for 3 newly ordained bishops. Can someone please share the music sheet of this song so that I could teach the parts to the choir?
    Thanks in advance!