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  1. Carol Blair
    30 August 2011 @ 9:21 am

    This hymn corrects what I have seen to be a very common mis-interpretation of the Psalm. That mis-interpretation is the idea that our help comes from the *hills.*

    No — our help comes from the *LORD,* Who made heaven and earth.

    Years ago I kept a printout of verse 8 by my front door. That printout disappeared in a move; I think I should make a new one . . .

    • rcottrill
      30 August 2011 @ 9:33 am

      Good to hear from you. Yes, I believe vs. 1 needs to be a question–which vs. 2 of Psalm 121 answers. And I like the idea of using vs. 8 at the door of your home. Good reminder of God’s continuing watch care.